Kaliverse Creations
Kaliverse Creations
Welcome to my blog! I can't believe I'm doing this, but hey, gotta get in the game right?!
Well, this is brand spanking new and there are more categories and articles are being added every week.
Follow Kaliverse Creations on Facebook to keep up with the latest posts!
Follow Kaliverse Creations on Facebook to keep up with the latest posts!
Join Me On My Journey!
Introduction and invitation to my journey, it’s purpose, and what to expect.
Progress Report #1: A retrospective Part 1
You need to get some background before you can follow the rest!
Progress Report #2: A retrospective Part Deux (2)
Ok, this background is going to take a bit longer than I thought!
Progress Report #3: A retrospective Part 3…and hopefully the last!
It’s a lie, it’s not the last. Close though!
Progress Report #4: A retrospective Part 4
OK, I give up, who knew how many blog posts this will really take?! 600 words goes by really fast! This really is the last though!
Progress Report #5: February Plans for Redirection
Well every journey is like a rollercoaster…wait that’s not the saying. Well it’s true anyways! Time to change gears on this plan!
Super Sniffers Activate!
That’s right, did you know your beloved pooch can smell your emotions?
5 of the Weirdest Dog Breeds You Might Not Have Heard Of!
See which ones really stand out from the crowd.
Coming soon! If you’re a budding entrepreneur, or starting up your own print on demand business or side hustle, then come and join me! In this day and age, we tend to teach ourselves and the information is just EVERYWHERE! As I continue to learn and pick up new tips, tricks and ideas, I’ll share them here. This includes screen recordings of different actions that you might need and find helpful as well. At the same time, you can learn from my mistakes, cause there’s certainly plenty to pick up there!