Join Me on My Journey!


Well, as you all may or may not know by now, I’m embarking on a new journey of entrepreneurship. This journey is coupled with a newly reignited love for design, so I am very excited! As I’m sure you do know though, starting a new business from scratch is not an easy feat, and this entire POD market is completely new to me.


What is POD you say? Let’s get this covered early on, otherwise this whole thing isn’t going to make much sense. POD stands for Print on Demand. Print on Demand means that I make cool and awesome designs, I post them in online stores that specialize in POD and then when an order is made, they print my designs on a whole line of products for me! I never have to deal with any merchandise or shipping and the products are only printed once an order has been placed. I can break this down into 3 easy steps:

  1. Choose your favorite design
  2. Choose which product you want to have it on (if you can choose only one 😉 )
  3. And voila! It arrives at your door!

So, to back things up, I’m starting on this new journey and I’m inviting you to join me. Why? Because it’s so much more fun not having to do everything on your own! I’m thinking I’ll turn this into a weekly blog post that highlights the progress I’ve made that week, the goals I’ve set and the issues I’ve run into. I’ll try to make it as entertaining for you as possible along the way though, don’t worry. And believe me…there have been a lot of issues already!


There might even be a few rants in here about how nothing is as straight forward as it’s supposed to be! “Click a button and this happens!” they say, “I clicked the button and that didn’t happen!” I say. You see where I’m going with this? 😛 Usually the expression is that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a sign of insanity…I’m learning that apparently sometimes you just need to keep doing the same thing over and over again until the system decides to finally make it work!

Anyways, I digress! As you can see, I have a brand spanking new site I created to host my blogs (and other cool stuff too), so what do you say? Would you like to follow me on my crazy quest for self fulfillment and supplemental income? If so, check out my designs, explore my store and my site and leave a comment below!

Seriously, I need the feedback people, it’s not like I know what I’m doing here! 😛 

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